We've created our own unique all-in-one plugin suite. You don’t need to overpay for each and every plugin separately. Simply use ThemeREX Addons for managing your custom post types, API keys, social media profiles, etc.
Header & Footer Builder
After installing ThemeREX Addons plugin, our customers get access to the header and footer builder along with other awesome customization options. Now, it takes just a few clicks to tailor the headers and footers to your needs!
Visual Composer and Slider Revolution Included
You don’t have to worry about getting the most popular plugins of our time! They come pre-packaged with our theme.
Features Never Stop
easy website creation
Adaptive WP Customizer
Easy Updates
Hundreds of Shortcodes
Powerful Admin Interface
Sticky Menus and Sticky sidebars
Customizable Google Map
Awesome Fontello Icons
Google Fonts and FontSquirrel
Translation Ready
Caring Support
Cross-Browser Compatilibty
Parallax Effect Backgrounds
Don`t Waste Time, Get Patterson Right Now
we have everything you need for a perfect medical website